How Christianity Came into Europe
Note: This post is about History, European History and how the Christian religion came into Europe, also the drawing to illustrate this, was made by me.
Note2: This was a scheduled Post.
How Christianity came into Europe
In 219 BCE the warrior and commander Hannibal of Carthage, a Roman Province in Northern Africa, after his fathers death, gathered the army in his yound age of 16 years old, and went to conquer Rome in revange of his father's death by Roman hands. He went by land into the Iberian Peninsula, Lusitans of Portugal and Spanish from Spain, helped Hannibal, joining his army, they went to the Pyrenees in northern Spain, the border between spain and mordern france, and there the roman troops were waiting for Hannibal's army, 10.000 romans and all slaughtered, Hannibel continue to go and was helped by the Gauls in ancient gaul todays france, after this many other battles were fought, Hannibel killed many romans, and more romans came to him, till he reached northern Italy, Hannibel won all the battles but he did not reach his goal, to burn down rome, which in that time was not yet an Empire, Hannibal turned back to Carthage, strategically he has lost the war. but with this event, the Romans in reprisal start to kill and conquer all those who could oppose their safety, politics, economy and wealth. So it began the wars of rome against the rest of Europe, and it became a vast empire, the first to go down of course, were the people in Northern Italy an ancient tribe of celts and of course the northern Africa where Carthage was, then the rest of Europe. Among the many people the Romans subjected to their will, came the people of Yahushua ( Jesus Christ ), after they have killed Jesus, many created the new Religion of Christianity, and so many more joined this new faith, and the romans and the Jews were the first ones, changing all the wishes of Jesus and turning this new faith into something that would give them power over all, now it would be easier to conquer all without battle, but through faith, a new religion made by lies, and those lies would convince too many to submit themselves to a new order of power, this was not a religion but politics to increase the roman economy, so this was how christianity started to spread, but a germanic tribe called the Wandalns ( Vandals ) invaded rome and brought it down, so the Roman Empire has fallen and as it was falling apart, so all the roman citys and provinces were falling too. The people that were used to live in a roman way, with all the tecnologhy they brought, were now living in a world were all of those works were falling too, such as the aqueducts that used to bring water to all, now that rome had fallen, no one cared about that, and people start to live in a poor way, with no conditions, nor hygiene, so people start to have many problems, and since Europe belonged to no one now, many tribes became countries and those were fighting to have more land and power, and the people now living in a evil world where food was scarce, battles everywhere, the people were in need of something to save them so badly, no one was there to protect them, and now they were being robbed and murdered.
Meanwhile the franks apeared, the Franks were a West Germanic confederation, uniting the peoples in Magna Germania north and east of the Lower Rhine River. The Frankish identity emerged in the first half of the 3rd century out of various Germanic groups, including the Salii, Sicambri, Chamavi, Bructeri, Chatti, Chattuarii, Ampsivarii, Tencteri, Ubii, Batavi and the Tungri, who inhabited the area between the Zuyder Zee and the river Lahn and extended eastwards as far as the Weser, but were most densely settled around the IJssel and between the Lippe and the Sieg. From the third to fifth centuries the Frankish armies raided Roman territory and expanded their influence among the Germanic peoples previously living under Roman rule on the left bank of the Rhine. In 358, the Salian Franks came to some form of agreement with the Romans that allowed them to settle in Toxandria (roughly Noord-Brabant, Antwerpen and Vlaams-Brabant). Each tribe within the Frankish confederation consisted of extended kinship groups centred around a particularly renowned and noble family. The importance of the family bond was made clear by the Salic Law, which ordained that an individual had no right to protection if not part of a family. One particular Salian family comes to light of Frankish history in the early fifth century, in time to become the Merovingians - Salian kings named after Childeric's mythical father Merovech, whose birth was thought to be divine. Clovis, king of the Salian Franks, became the absolute ruler of a united Frankish kingdom in 486. He consolidated his rule with victories over the Gallo-Romans and all the other Frankish tribes and established his capital in Paris. After he had beaten the Visigoths and the Alemanni, his sons drove the Visigoths to Spain and subdued the Burgundians, Alemanni and Thuringians. During the period of Merovingian rule, the Franks reluctantly began to adopt Christianity following the baptism of Clovis in 496 CE. Following Clovis' conversion, a number of Franks rallied around Ragnachar, a powerful figure who had played an important role in Clovis' initial rise to power, but their rebellion was crushed. The remaining pockets of resistance within the population were overcome region by region through a quickly expanding network of monasteries. The Frankish church had to come to terms with an established Gallo-Roman clergy that actively spread anti-Germanic propaganda, which has survived in their writings and works of history; it had to Christianise traditional Frankish sensibilities and effectively suppress them; it had to provide a new theological basis for Frankish kingship, which was deeply rooted in Germanic tradition. While the Goths or the Vandals had been at least partly Christianised since the mid-4th century, traditional Germanic beliefs are thought to have flourished among the Franks until well after the conversion of Clovis to Christianity. So as i've written before, King Clovis of the Franks was cristianized just to get power and lands and noble titles, to conquer them all, and that is how france was born, and for the pope in rome this was great, because clovis was spreading thie christian faith to all Europe, by force, by slaughter, by burning, pillaging and killing. And as i've written before, those peopel that were in a great need of help, now play a big role, they needed a miracle, and came a new faith, promising salvation, all they needed! And so easily those became christians too. The Northern countries of Europe were the last to be Christianized because it was hard to go into those places, and because the people there stand in theur old religions and fought to continue to be the people they have always been, to continue their pagan spirit. The Franks tired of getting sieged by the Germanic people, ofered them titles, lands and weath in gold and jewels if they were to be christianized too, in greed for power, they all accepted, but more people accepted to be christians, so they would not be killed, because those who would not convert, were brutaly tortured and killed.
So Europe was now living in a christianized world, but there were still many to conquer, there were still many pagans who needed taxation, people that had to be christianized, to pay to their Christian Kings and ofcourse to give money to the church, then the Black Death came, an horribel plague that was killing all, in every 10, only 2 survived, the church in its wisdom, used this as a propaganda, it was a sign of God, people had to be christians or would suffer and die of the plague of death! So the people in fear, the rest of the people... were fully christianized. This was a summary of what happened, almost 1500 years to christianized all the Europeans, people that used to be free.. have a free will, a free spirit and mind.
Mythology around runes: Raido
The most obvious mythological connection with the rune Raido is Odin's famous horse, Sleipnir, a fabulous steed with eight legs, which could carry his master to all of the nice worlds of creation. However, tradition states that the rune is intimately connected with an obscure Teutonic fertility God called Ing, Who may well have been imagined as a powerful stallion. Ing was a god of great importance to the early Anglo- Saxons. When they first came to the shore of Britain during the 5th and 6th centuries AD, they bore the banner of the white stallion, which remains the emblem of the country of Kent, in southern England, to this day. It is likely that ing would have been completely forgotten by now were it not for the fact that the country of England owes its very name to Him.
Note: This was scheduled to this day.
"Riding is easy for the warrior indoors, and very courageous to him who travels the high road upon a stout hourse."
"The Anglo-Saxon Rune Poem"
To the Anglo-Saxons, this rune was known as Rad; in Iceland was Reid; While to the Norwegian vikings, it was known as Raid ( aptly enough, for a piratical race ), which actually means "riding".
Raido is the rune of the sun, pictured in the Norse imagination as a mighty cartwheel rolling across the sky, Thus the rune became connected with carts, land transportation in general, horses and other pack animals. Because of the correspondence with the horse, Raido became the rune of those who rode: the nobility and rulers. Thus it not only meant "to ride", but gained the meaning of doing the right thing, acting honourably and telling right from wrong. By association, Raido also gained an association with the oak tree, with the goats who pulled the chariot of Thor and with the healing herb mugwort.
Upright Meaning:
Jorneys of all kinds, both in the outer world and in the personal, innerrealm, are pictured when the rune Raido appears. The use of judgement, too, is indicated, with the advised course being to act honourably. Doing the right thing at all times will bring you respect and admiration of those who matter. It also suggests the road that you travel along may not always be easy, but that the eventual rewards will be worth the trials and tribulations encountered along the way. Raido can be interpreted as a move forward in some venture, too. Legal and official affairs of all kinds will be resolved to your satisfaction and promises, oaths and testimony will work to your benefit. However, this is not a rune about advice: in fact, the opposite is the case, since Raido clearly states that it is your own judgment taht will outweigh any other point of view. Its appearance warns against confiding your plans to anyone, so keep your counsel, think deeply and once your mind is made up, do not waver from your course.
Inverted Meaning:

Body Part: The circulatory system, all those running paths, the roads of the body.
Associated Maladies: Blocked veins or arteries, varicose veins, arteriosclerosis, blood pressure.
Action: Running well.
Solution: Clear blockages of the system. Exercise, movement, getting circulation going.
Note: Everything i will post to this day ( 19/10/2011) beyond, will be posts that are scheduled, because i will not becoming back so soon, if i ever do, i will tell that i've return, meanwhile the posts will have a Note at the end saying that it is something scheduled, so i will not be here to answer back , i will have to work this entire day in puting many things scheduled till i return again, if i return... i dont feel motivated nor eager for anything, i feel lost and distressed, i feel empty and sad. The posts will appear at the same hour 1:00PM / 13:00h i have much to write Farewell friends.
Rökkatru Ethics and Values
Note: The photo was taken by me, that is why it is so blurred.
The Rökkatru. honor and love and work with the Gods of the third pantheon of the Norse/Germanic religions, the Gods of underworld and shadow. Like many similar deities in other Pagan cosmologies - Hades, Hecate, Kali, Ereshkigal - they do not see these Gods as evil, because they feel that the concept of Good vs. Evil has no place in the norse cosmology. Instead, they see them as being a source of deep and difficult wisdom. Some may wonder what sort of ethical code would be held by those of us who worship such dark and ambivalent Gods.
Hela's Rule: Vision. Death takes the long view of all things, and so we strive to value far-seeing over temporary difficulties. Ask yourself: Will this matter in a year? Five years? Ten? After I am dead? Think ahead before you react, before you speak. Learn not to take things personally; people often react from their damage, and everything blows over in time.
Loki's Rule: Self-Knowledge. No matter what you say to others, be it truth or lie, never lie to yourself. Know yourself excruciatingly well, even the ugly parts, and always be honest with yourself first. When you speak the truth aloud, remember that the greatest honor is in speaking the truth that no one wants to hear, and that everyone has been avoiding out of fear.
Angrboda's Rule: Diversity. The Giant-Race comes in a myriad of forms, and all shapes, sizes, and natures are valued among them. Being close to Nature, they understand that diversity is survival and strength, while homogeneity is inevitable weakness. Thus, we accept and value diversity in human beings, be that in race, ability, gender, cultural background, lifestyle, sexual preferences, appearance, and all the many ways that we can be wonderfully different.
Jormundgand's Rule: Liminality. As the Snake is neither male nor female, both of Midgard and not of Midgard, so we see that the honorable and the sacred is most often found in that which crosses boundaries, bridges opposites, moves between worlds. We value that which is Both, and Neither, as one of the Great Mysteries.
Sigyn's Rule: Loyalty. Stand by those who love you, and whom you love, no matter what others say of them, no matter if they are driven out. The loyalty of true friends, family, and lovers is more important than the acceptance of any group, and any group that would force you to forswear them is not worthy.
Gerda's Rule: Frithmaking. While sometimes war is necessary, there is always far more honor in making a just peace than waging a just war.
Jord's Rule: Earthwisdom. Revere the Earth and Nature; seek to live lightly on the land. Honor the spirits of the Earth, the stones, the trees, and all Nature.
Nidhogg's Rule: Recycling. There is no such place as Away, so be careful what you throw there. Recycle, give away, don't waste, find a place for it somewhere else. This includes people as well as things.
Aegir's Rule: Hospitality. Open your doors even to those not of your people, not of your tribe. Open your doors to them even when they are annoying, or disrespectful, if there is the chance of an alliance, of changing their ways with frithmaking. Be gracious in the face of others' greed and boorishness. You have the right to set boundaries, but be generous the first time at least, no matter who they are, until they truly prove themselves worthless.
Surt's Rule: Intensity. Whatever you do, let it be with passion and fervor. Do not live a dull, repressed life.
Fenris's Rule: Shadow. Learn to love and find sacred all the parts of yourself, even the darknesses. Honor them by making a safe place for them, where they can neither be harmed nor harm others.
Mordgud's Rule: Self-Control. The Giant-Race are a people of strong passions, and so often are their followers. That is why it is all the more important that we strive always to keep our gates guarded and our walls firm -- not to keep out, but to keep in. Keep control of your emotions, that they might not spill over and burn others, or yourself.
The Norns' Rule: Dedication. Walk your path as you understand it, and as the Gods tell you to, and let no mortal opinion get in the way of your Wyrd.
Supported by RavenKaldera
Supported by RavenKaldera
What is Rökkatru?
Note: The Drawing was made By me and it was an illustration already for the story of the birth of Loki here in my blog, but it serves well for this post as well!
First, there was Asatru, which meant, technically, “True to the Aesir”, or the Norse/Germanic Gods of sky and war and culture. They included Odin, Frigga, Heimdall, Baldur, Iduna, Bragi, and many others. Eventually, those whose religious practice concentrated on the Vanir – the second, more agricultural pantheon of Gods including Frey, Freya, Njord, and Nerthus – decided that they would be called Vanatru. Some time after that, Abby Helasdottir of New Zealand coined the term Rökkatru, for those whose primary focus was the third pantheon of underworld Gods. These include Hela, Loki, Angrboda, Sigyn, Fenris, Jormundgand, Narvi and Vali, Surt, Mordgud, and Mengloth, among others.
The concept of a World Tree is not limited to northern Europe. Many cultures around the world have world trees, and it is usually the job of the shaman or spirit-worker in that culture to travel from world to world. There are always at least three levels: heaven, earth, and underworld. Each are valued equally and have their own blessings and dangers. There are always spirits of sky, spirits of earth, spirits of the beloved ancestors and those who guard them. Norse cosmology grew from a preliterate culture that followed this pattern, and we follow the same idea. Three pantheons, all valuable, all necessary to the functioning of Yggdrasil.
Those who identify as Rökkatru do not see “dark” as bad, nor “underworld gods” as evil. We feel that this is a Christian concept that has infiltrated some modern interpretations of Norse cosmology, first through the Christians that wrote down (and tainted) the only sources we have of these myths, and second through the Christian upbringings of many converts to Northern religion. Other Neo-Pagan sects have already been down this road and come out the other side; they have learned that underworld Gods are to be honored and revered for many things. Death is not evil; it is part of life. So is rot and decay, and loss, and the passing of all things. So is chaos, so is randomness, so is the destructive parts of Nature that we humans find inconvenient. All these things are sacred and so are the Rökkr. Just as there are those dedicated to Hecate, or Kali, or Hades, or Ereshkigal, or Coyote, so are there those who are dedicated to Loki and Hela and the others.
Currently, at this time, Heathenry (reconstructionist Norse/Germanic religion) prefers to limit itself to worship of the Aesir and Vanir. Northern Tradition Pagans, however, believe that Gods are not divided into categories of “good” and “bad” Gods. They are all worthy of honor, and we honor all of them. Since there are already many lovely websites with information about Asatru and Vanatru but very little for Rökkatru, and since honoring all three pantheons instead of only two is part of what sets us apart, we have chosen to put up a small place of education about this third truth. Not all Northern Tradition Pagans are Rökkatru – they might just as often be dedicated to or favor Aesir or Vanir Gods – but they will all agree that it is good to see all the Gods honored, and have no issue with the followers of underworld Gods.
Supported by RavenKaldera
Supported by RavenKaldera
em 1:00 PM | Keywords: About Shamanism, angrboda, Fenrir, hel, hela, Jormundgand, Loki, Northern Pagan Traditions, Rökkatru

Offerings to the Ancestors
The best offerings to the ancestors are ones designed for them personally. The traditional offering is food or drink that they would have liked, but if you want to go further, donate time or money or resources to a cause that they would have approved of. This is easier for relatives who died during your lifetime, and who you knew personally - just think of some organization they would have approved of, and give to that group in the name of your relative. When it's people who are many generations dead, or perhaps so far back as to be nameless, it's more difficult. Start with their ethnicity - is there an organization for people of that ethnicity who need help, perhaps in countries other than their original homeland? Barring that, is there a harsh issue that is troubling the descendants of your ancestral people who still live in their own country? Could you donate to an organization who is trying to help? Imagine them looking down at all their modern descendants - who would they be most worried about? That's a good place to start.
Make offerings, and pray to our beloved dead. These include those we knew and loved in life, those we never knew but who survived that we might one day live, and those who did not share their DNA but inspired us to a better existence.
Make offerings, and pray to our beloved dead. These include those we knew and loved in life, those we never knew but who survived that we might one day live, and those who did not share their DNA but inspired us to a better existence.
Mythology around Runes: Ansuz
Mythology: Ansuz
Odin was considered to be the creator of the runes themselves, or as i've told you before, he found and caught the runes knowledge after his shamanic jorney, and this specific rune Ansuz share his attributes. Since Odin's companions were two ravens, Hugin and Munin, or "Thought" and "Memory", these carrion birds are associated with Ansuz, as well as the two fierce wolves that were also his pets. It is said that Odin hung for nine nights from the windy ash tree, Yggdrasil, to learn the secrets of the runes, and so the wood of the ash is connected with Ansuz. This sacrifice of Odin was repeated many times by those who wished to become proficient in rune magic. For this purpose, potential rune masters would put themselves through gruelling physical ordeals to learn wisdom in the same terrible manner as their god. Hallucinogenic substances were also part of these trials, hence Ansuz is connected with the properties of the fly agaric toadstoll.
"I know a fourth, it will free me quickly if foes should bind me fast with strong chains, a chant that makes fetters fall from the feet and bonds burst from the hands"
"Havamal - The song of Odin"
The rune name is Ansuz it is the letter A in the common alphabet, it is the rune for harmony and inspiration, the Anglo-Saxons called this rune Os, while the Norsemen of Norway and Iceland referred to it as Oss. This rune is connected with the faculty of speach and, indeed, with the mouth itself. The variant word, Oss, was used both in connection with the organs of speech and in the sense of a river mouth. Apart from this, Oss also referred to the wise Odin, the one-eyed king of the Gods of Asgard and ruller of Valhalla. For this reason, Ansuz is called the "god rune".
Upright Meaning:
Fast-changing situations are to be expected when the rune Ansuz is drawn. You may find yourself in a set of new circumstances with few clues about the correct way in which to proceed. However. even though the conscious mind may be at a loss, the unconscious knows better and will use dreams and strange coincidences to communicate guidance. The rune may also suggest that the influence of a helpful advisor will become a prominent feature in your life very soon. This person is likely to be a male, with a great deal of wordly experience, and is probably of an older generation. The spoken word and powers of persuasion are the basic meanings of this rune. It should be remembered that the runes are in themselves "words of power" that, as the "song of Odin" states, can make "fetters fall from the feet and bonds burst from the hands". Thus the appearance of Ansuz ensures that you can use your wits and verbal dexterity to remove yourself from restraints if you know, or can learn, the correct way to go about it. The god-rune aspect of Ansuz should not be ignored: a religious influence may be felt in some way, or you could feel touched by cosmic forces.
Inverted Meaning:

Body Part: Breath and respiratory system - lungs, throat, larynx.
Associated Maladies: Congestion, asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis.
Action: Moving quickly, perhaps too speedy
Solution: Quicken, increase metabolism, increase oxygen
Honoring Bragi The Skald of Skalds
Note: The Photo was taken by Missloony and it is me holding the lyre she gave me as a gift, and what a wonderful gift!
Bragi the God of Poetry.eloquence and music in the Norse Pantheon, he whose songs are sung throughout nine spheres, the divine Poet of Asgard, the Speaker for Peace, the harpist of heavenly music that soothes, the hearts of warrior and woebegone alike, he is the Lord of Eloquence whose words ring out and run through the people.
" May you inspire us, O Bragi, Bane of Boredom, may you gift us even a tenth of your talent for weaving a wiser world. "
Who is Bragi?
Bragi is one of the sons of Odin, the eldest next to Thor. Long ago, the Mead of Poetry was guarded by a giant named Suttung who kept it in a cave under his house and set his daughter Gunnlod as its guardian. Odin was determined to steal the sacred Mead, and after many adventures he took the form of a snake and slipped into the cave, where he returned to a handsomer form and offered himself to Gunnlod as a lover. She took him on for three nights, during which he drank nearly all of the Mead of Poetry and sired a child on Gunnlod. Returning to Asgard, he vomited forth the sacred Mead into barrels and kept it there. Later, Gunnlod sent their son, Bragi, to live at his father's court in Asgard. He was brilliant and eloquent, with a beautiful singing voice, great musical talent, and a presence that could charm an audience. Odin made him the Skald of Asgard, but he does not always stay there.
Bragi the God of Poetry.eloquence and music in the Norse Pantheon, he whose songs are sung throughout nine spheres, the divine Poet of Asgard, the Speaker for Peace, the harpist of heavenly music that soothes, the hearts of warrior and woebegone alike, he is the Lord of Eloquence whose words ring out and run through the people.
" May you inspire us, O Bragi, Bane of Boredom, may you gift us even a tenth of your talent for weaving a wiser world. "
Who is Bragi?
Bragi is one of the sons of Odin, the eldest next to Thor. Long ago, the Mead of Poetry was guarded by a giant named Suttung who kept it in a cave under his house and set his daughter Gunnlod as its guardian. Odin was determined to steal the sacred Mead, and after many adventures he took the form of a snake and slipped into the cave, where he returned to a handsomer form and offered himself to Gunnlod as a lover. She took him on for three nights, during which he drank nearly all of the Mead of Poetry and sired a child on Gunnlod. Returning to Asgard, he vomited forth the sacred Mead into barrels and kept it there. Later, Gunnlod sent their son, Bragi, to live at his father's court in Asgard. He was brilliant and eloquent, with a beautiful singing voice, great musical talent, and a presence that could charm an audience. Odin made him the Skald of Asgard, but he does not always stay there.
Bragi is one of the few Gods who, it is said, is welcome in any world by any people. Rather than being a warrior, he is a speaker for peace and a diplomat. He wanders the Nine Worlds, welcomed joyfully into the halls of Aesir, Vanir, Jotun, Duergar, Alfar both light and dark, and sometimes that of unwitting humans. He sings or tells stories for his welcome, and gently leaves them with the ideals of peace and cooperation. He is married to Iduna, the goddess of orchards whose golden apples keep the Gods young. It is said that she carved the Runes into his tongue, that he might be even more a master of words. He is occasionally known as the "long-bearded one".
His name comes from the Norse word for poetry, bragr, and is cognate to the modern word "brag", as Norse poems were often songs of praise. His name may also be cognate to the word bragarfull, or the cup of mead that is passed in the hall.
The Mead of Poery had a long and bloody history before it came to Odin, and it was first made from the blood of the sacrificed Vanir god Kvasir. Much the same sort of things are said about Kvasir as about Bragi: he was welcome in every hall, everyone loved him, and he was a peacemaker. The personal gnosis of many who work with Bragi and his family is that Bragi is Kvasir reborn; that his soul entered the Mead of Poetry and then passed into Gunnlod's womb through Odin.
Honoring Bragi :
Bragi's Colors: Blue and gold
Symbol: Harp
Altar Suggestions: Musical instruments of any kind; well-written, impassioned books, music scores; the words to good poetry and songs; Herb Bennet and Purslane; the rune Os.
Food and drink: Anything you’d give to an honored guest.
Supported By RavenKaldera
Honoring Bragi :
Bragi's Colors: Blue and gold
Symbol: Harp
Altar Suggestions: Musical instruments of any kind; well-written, impassioned books, music scores; the words to good poetry and songs; Herb Bennet and Purslane; the rune Os.
Food and drink: Anything you’d give to an honored guest.
Supported By RavenKaldera
The Birth of Heimdal
Note: The drawing was made by me, you can see my works in this [Link] in my gallery.
This story was told to me By a friend of mine RavenKaldera
Heimdall's Birth
Aegir the Sea God lives under the waves in Aegirheim, off the coast of Vanaheim, where he holds his great feasts and does his brewing. Most modern folk like to think of him as the god of brewing, which is a slight on his great power; brewing is only a side hobby for him. Like Poseidon and Llyr, he is the ruler of the seas, and specifically the northern seas, clogged with ice and treacherous with storms. While Aegir likes to put on a jovial face, his wife Ran plays out the fickle and dangerous side of his nature for him. Her name means Robber, and she is the Thief of Ships, dragging the sailors down to death. Their ghosts are trapped in the hall of Aegir and Ran, entertaining the cold water-deities, until she tires of them and sends them on to Helheim. The nine daughters of Aegir and Ran are known as the Nine Undines, or the Nine Waves. They take after their mother in temperament, mostly. They are said to be both beautiful and terrible, although beauty is always in the eye of the beholder. They are shapechangers, and can summon illusory forms that are lovely enough to make a sailor leap overboard in desire, although their true faces show with sharp teeth and claws and strange eyes the color of the sea. Their names are a litany of the powers of the Ocean: Kolga the Cold One, and Duva the Hidden One are the eldest, twins in age and both reserved. Blodughadda, the Blood-Haired and bloodthirsty, is next in age. Then there is big-bellied Bara, and Bylgja of the Breaker; then another pair of twins - the terrible Hronn of the Whirlpool and the anguished, wailing Hevring. Then comes Unn, the Undine of the Tides; and Himinglava, the Fair-Weather Undine, is the youngest and most fickle of the lot.
It is said that the Nine Maidens love each other more than any other, and that their alliance is unshakable. They never quarrel, or if they do, no one sees it. So when one of them chose to lay with the canny Aesir god Odin, against the wishes of their father Aegir, the other eight covered it up. It is also said that Odin lay with all nine of them; if this is so, he must have been either very brave to lie with nine deadly, toothed, bloodthirsty mermaids, or else very drunk on their father's brew. Either way, it is certain that at least one sea-etin lay with Odin, and that she got with child by him.
When she made it known to her sisters that she was with child, they all circled her in protection, knowing that their father - and especially their equally bloodthirsty mother, who had no love for the One-Eyed One - would be furious. So they all made a pact that no one should know which of them had done the deed, not even their parents. They all went away, and hid for many months in caves in the darkest part of the sea bottom, where not even Aegir and Ran could find them. In time, the babe was born, and they brought him in their arms to Aegirheim, where they confessed to their angry parents what had been done, if not who.
Aegir demanded again and again to know which of them had done the deed, but the sisters were a solid wall and would not move, and not one of them could be turned against another. Ran threatened to hang them all by their hair from the bottom of the biggest iceberg, but still they would not reveal the babe's true mother. "Let him be known as the child of Odin and the Nine of us," they all said, "for it is as good as true."
Then Ran declared that regardless of which of her ungrateful daughters had whelped the pup, she would not have it raised in her home. Since the sisters had no real care for the child either, they agreed and set him afloat on a boat headed for the island of Vanaheim, hoping that the child would wash up there and be adopted by some kind parents. It had also occurred to them that the child's father might wish to know his son, and indeed Odin had been waiting to see what would happen. As soon as the babe's boat surfaced, he saw it from his throne at Valaskialf, and set out to intercept it. Scooping the child from the water, he brought the golden babe straight to Frigga's apartments at Fensalir.
Frigga, who was used to dealing with her husband's various children by his affairs, saw that the babe was fair and finely formed, and named him Heimdall. She offered to raise him as her own, but Odin had another plan in mind. He wished a child of his to come to love the humanfolk of Midgard, helpless and hapless as they were, and he decided that this son would live two lives, one as a mortal man and one as a god. He took the foundling in his arms and placed him back in the boat, which he deposited on the ocean inside the girth of the Midgard Serpent. Little Heimdall floated to shore, where a poor fisherman rescued him and brought him home. There he was renamed Rig, and grew quickly as mortal children do, for a mortal seeming had been cast upon him by his father.
The golden child was raised by loving although poor mortals, but he always felt that there ought to be more to his life than this, and he yearned for something more than the fishing-boat and the pig-yard and the garden. If there was one thing that he feared, unreasonably, it was the sea. His foster parents put that down to his early abandonment on the little boat, and forgave it of him. Sometimes, while walking the beach, he would see the sunlight glinting off of what might be the head of a woman among the waves, and when he squinted closer he would see the flip of a tail as it vanished into the water, but nothing more, and he refused to go into the salt waves. If he had done so, he would have discovered that he could swim as well as a fish, but his strange fear held him back. So it was that his mothers watched him from afar, but never spoke to him, and he did not know his origin.
When he grew old enough to leave the seaside farm, he did so, and wandered all of Midgard. He lay with women of every class, from rich to poor, and sired many children, and this too was part of Odin's plan, to get his blood into as many of the folk of Midgard as possible, and thus enrich their bloodlines. Through time and glory and battle and many adventures, Rig was finally made a king in the prime of his life, and Odin who watched was proud of his son. Eventually he grew old and near to death, and on his deathbed, as his eyes were closed by the family who stood weeping about him, a great cloud of birds lowered themselves from the sky and took up his body, and all wondered in awe and amazement.
His body was carried to Asgard, where a small spark of life still remained in it, ready to be snuffed out. Odin restored him to youth and to his immortal self, the body of the youth who was born of the meeting of sea and sky, with eyes of a blue somewhere between the two. He rose in wonder from his bed to find himself in the land of the Gods, and himself one among them, and they cheered him, and called him by his true name of Heimdall. And so it was that he was given the job of gatekeeper of Asgard, and took up his destiny as Odin's son and prince.
Frigga took him to her breast and called him as her son, and he called her Mother. Yet eventually he asked of the story of his birth, and it was told to him. He cried out in anger, remembering the far-distant heads in the water, and his fear of the sea, and swore out against the cold women who had abandoned him to the waves, and he not even able to know which womb it was that bore him. So to this day Heimdall avoids the ocean, and keeps to his father's home in the sky, although he loves and protects the humanfolk of Midgard with a great passion. His heart is hardened against all those of Jotun blood for his anger with his mothers, and this sorrow and anger is one of the things he learned from his life as a mortal, along with his personal caring for them.
And if you ask the Nine Undines to this day, they will not say which of them bore him, but only that he once came from all their arms and was delivered up to his destiny, and as he had both a mortal mother who loved him and an Aesir mother who values him, what need has he of any of them? And then they are gone into the water with a splash and a flash of their tails, and no one can see, through the cold waters, whether any salt tears are shed for him, the child of the meeting of sea and sky. But every year on his birthday, a storm rises up at sea, and all will do well to keep to land on that day and avoid the uncertain mercies of the Nine Ladies of the wild ocean's miles.
Mythology around Runes: Thurisaz
Mythology: Thurisaz
The first syllable of the rune, thur, or, thurs, survives today in Thursday, the name of the fifth day if the week, which literally means "giant's day", but it is also associated with the mighty god Thor, who was something of a giant, even among the larger-than-life deities of Asgard. The rune's name, Thurisaz, was an ancient title of the thunder god, and it has been suggested by some that the form of the rune represents Thor's hammer, although others think that it merely shows a single thorn on a stem.
"The Thorn is Most Sharp, an evil thing to take a grip on, extremely grim for any man who rests among them"
"The Anglo-Saxon Rune Poem"
The rune name is Thurisaz it is the combination of the letters Th in the common alphabet, to the Anglo-Saxons, this rune was Thorn, while to the Vikings it was known as Thurs.
The Thurisaz rune represents a sharp thorn. By extension of the idea, it also suggests a blade, knife or a fang. Therefore the rune is also associated with the deadly bites of serpents. The sound of the letter, too, resembles the hiss of a snake, as well as the sound that a sword makes when it is drawn from a scabbard. It is the rune for tendency to changes and will of the destiny.
Upright Meaning:
The rune Thurisaz suggests boundaries, which in old Norse times were often marked out by thickets of hawthorn. So by extension it is important to know your own limits when this rune appears. Hasty decisions made now will be regretted later, so it is definitely not a time to forge ahead regardless. Because of the rune's association with sharp objects, fangs and snakes, Thurisaz may indicate a time of personal risk. There may be people around you who are being less then honest of who do not have your best interests at heart. In business matters especially, extreme care must be taken, for there is a danger of being let down to betrayed. However, this can only occur if you are not sufficiently vigilant, so be warned. The rune may show that you will soon have to defend yourself and your actions in some way. However, it may also indicate that luck will arrive in the guise of a challenge. Tradition states that if used as a charm, this rune will blunt the words and weapons of your enemies.
Inverted Meaning:

Body Part: Nervous system, all over the body.
Associated Maladies: Nervous tension, irritability, oversensitization, degenerative nervous disorders
Action: Irritated
Solution: Removal of a foreign object
Dreams and Visions
Note: The photo was taken by Missloony
Dreams are a part of us, and what would become of us without them? If we dont dream, then we are not alive, unemotional, there are no objectives, dreams can guide us, warn us, or travel in our mind to escape for sometimes the harsh reality, to excape the city life, social problems, the stressful routine, we can learn from dreams and i will give you examples.
Most of the dreams we have are just reflexions of your daily needs, problems, anxieties, wishes and fears, even if you dont remeber and you ask yourself "what kind of a dream was that?!" all those emotions stay hidden in the back of your brain, and while you sleep, your brain "goes" there and pick all those images, and you can control your dreams, you can think of something while dreaming and it will happen in the dream, but that is most tiring for your brain, and it will reflect in your entire body, because you are thinking in your own thoughts, and when you wake up, its like you have never slept the entire time you were dreaming.
But few times ( but for some people it is regular ) your dreams may be visions, warnings, jorneys and even you are actually in somewhere out of your body interacting with real people, souls, spirits even Gods. Sometimes you see in your dreams people that were important to you, people that have gone away from this world, most of the time is just your brain working, picking the need to see those people again, to talk with them, say a last word, your wishes and needs, dreadful needs that make you so anxious and your brain starts to enter in a state, that is a burst of images. But few times you actually seeing them, but that doesnt happen so often, and even if it realy happens some day, you will not guess it out.
As i've tould, we may be in contact with other beings, in situations we think that it is just a dream, that is also why in many times we do not pay any attention to dreams, but they can realy help us in times of need.
I will give you few examples of jorneys or places and situations that have happen to me, out of the body and not a dream, but first i would like to tell you how do you know it is not a dream, if it is real, if you are actually living that. We have to train our brain, our body, we have nightmares and we are led by them to a mournful state of mind, wariness, fear, sorrow, but we have to let it go, train yourself and dont let your dreams / nightmares control you, you can control them, you can wish hard and concentrate, meditate and you can make your dreams become a real jorney, out of your body experiences, i've work hard in that but i dont have those jorneys too often, since i can remember i have lots of dreams, about things i've never seen before, wars, madness, people getting killed in medieval dark times and even before that, of course today that we can see in books, movies, paintings, but for a child, that the only places to see were the rooms in the house and the garden outside full of beautiful natural things, that may be a bit awkward, runing as a tall adult man in the snow among naked dark pine trees in a great forest, dressed with clothes made of animal fur, with others like me, runing and screaming with swords and axes, towards an hidden enemy that is shouting beyond the snowy hills, and other dreams like these as i was a child, to see myself killing and blood everywhere, but the visions were not always this, but also beautiful places, so beautiful to my eyes, and i was just standing there in awe. So in time i have development a capacity to know what is a dream and what is a vision and what is a jorney, i know what i am actually living, and what is just a dream to joke about, sometimes i dream with my eyes open, hallucinations and i know that, but other times i see and it is real, so i will now give you examples of what i have seen, few examples that might be very interesting.
Once while i was resting my body in the bed, i closed my eyes and i went to a place of complete darkness, there was nothing to be seen but i was there moving and hearing sounds, nature sounds, the wind in the trees, my steps over fallen leafs and the cracking of twigs, and i've heard voices, and laughter, there was a light in tones of autumn, all around there were naked trees, helm and oak trees, i went there, all i saw a great bonfire and people dancing around it, but they were all shadows, then i saw a great shadowed shap of a man, tall, taller then a normal person, with horns of an elk, and like the others was just a shadow, dark, but i was glad, and i was happy, joy filled me, i almost wanted to dance around the fire, but i was uneasy because i couldn't see the faces and it was moving to fast, in trance and extasy. I had this dream long ago in the 31 of october, then after this i came about a text in a book, and it was talking about the importance of that day, the 31st of october to 1st of November, Samhain, and the night that there is a gap between this world and the other, where the dead can joy us, in every religion talks about this, and that there is a God, a celtic one, ( of course that are many who come in this day, like Odin for the Wildhunt, which in the celtic myths there is also the wildhunt ) in this specific day, calls many to join him, Cernunnos the horned god, this was strange and i had that dream withoug knowing all of this.
An other dream i had, was about a place, green and yellow, far as the eye could see, i was standing in a great hill, and there was a huge tree far away, i could see its branches touching the clouds, i went down the hill to meet this great tree, when i was closed to it, i saw that the trunk was so large, that i couldn't see anything else of the landscape to the right or to the left, i passed the tree, and i went inside of it, like a ghost, inside there were stairs, all around the trunk but inside, and it went up, always up till i could see no more but a great light in tones of a soft blue and white, i saw many people going for it, hundreds or maybe thousands of souls and i knew they were souls, glowing, the inside of the tree was beautiful and the bark so smooth, tiny yellow lights dancing everywhere, like butterflies but glowing like fireflies, there was grass where i was standing in amazement, so green and clean, fresh with dew drops, i saw then a man, clothed in grey, a great white beard, there was a shadow in his face by his left side, there was no left eye, and a wolf behind him, they were both walking in my direction, and all was well.
Another that i had was not so long ago, about 2 weeks ago, while my girlfriend was playing the lyre she gave me as a gift, the music she played, the sound of it was strange, the melody was beautiful and yet so sad, but the sound of the strings could not make sadness reach my ears, each string made an happy sound, i was relaxed, i smiled and i closed my eyes, but i opened them again and somewhere between my room and what was going on, i say in front of my eyes a dream, but i was awake in there, in the room with my girlfriend, and i saw a beautiful deep forest, all in tones of green, the top of the trees in dark greens, the ground of light green and roots gently embracing all the surroundings, it was a grey sky, and a soft rain, mist came intertwined with the trunks of the trees, leaving the moss so green and fresh, i was just there, between the border of the forest and a vast green field that ended with an other part of the forest, it was a glade in that valley, i saw then the tall grass moving, something walking to me, it was a wolf, he was calm and so was i, he stoped, then in the forest to my left there was a standing figure, starting to walk in my direction, clothed in animal fur, and a voice near the wolf said "He is Dagda..." and something else that i cant remember, after this was over, i went to see if Dagda meant something, and i read that he is a Celtic God, older then all.
Also when i am with my girlfriend, in a more intimate situation, in other words, making love, when i reach the orgasm, i see often wolves runing towards a hill, amoung trees, many trees, and i am runing with them, and i am also a wolf, i can hear them breathing fast, i can fell the wind in my fur, the howls, and i can smell all things, in a clear night of full moon, and its silver light in our backs, in our gray fur, the sensation is of total freedom, something that i've never had before and i can see this for about 1 year and a half, then all of us wolves, get to the top of that great hill, and in fact it was a mountain, because down, far below, there is a great valley as far as the eye can see, with many forests, and few wooden houses with smoke coming out of the stone chimneys and a great river that flows to the horrizon, shining in silver and white because of the light of the moon, all so fast in extasy and happiness we stand there at the top of the world howling.
I dream a lot, but i have also visions and jorneys, but unfortunately those are few, but when i have them, it changes me completly.
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