Wight of the Nine Worlds


I welcome thee free spirit, which thou shalt come with an open heart, open mind and an open soul, for what you are about to read can only be understood by the wise who are eager to learn and to embrace the roots deep and forgotten in the hearts of the free people of Europe, by accepting who you are and where your roots lie, is half way into the great road of life. We will journey unto where our spirit takes us with the knowledge we gained. Learn and teach.

Things you can do without religion

The things you can do for the world, for yourself and the community you live in, and there is no need for relegion, i will write them in here, of course there will be much more you can do, just take a thought on it, i will also talk about things you can do that will please the gods but it you leave you happy and you will do much for the world, working with the gods without even knowing it.

Things you can do without religion:

To start, you can make the ritual that will help the green land around you and you dont need to have a specific religion, take a bag with you, go into the green places you know, they can be public or not, parks, woodland, forests etc. and the filth people leave behind, those mindless monkeys, you can pick the trash and put it in the bag, and throw it into the right place, the proper containers.

Dont waste anything, not even toys and clothes, there are people in need and they will need those, children,
homeless people and other, dont waste, give it to them, i am sure that were you live in, the big city, there are also containers for that, or you can go to an institution and give to them, clothes, toys, furniture etc.
Dont waste food, that is very important, consume what you can, and the
leftovers you keep them to eat the next day, also food like fruit what its left of it, it's "skin" like the banana, orange, pear, apple etc. those are organic waste, you can give it back to the earth, it will fertilize the ground, of course you cant throw it wherever you like, just in the green places, it will give some "strength" to the land.

Help the public parks around you, to grow beautiful and green, let nature do its works, dont let people throw away the garbadge into the ground, dont let them put their cars in it, warn the proper
authorities, they have the power to do something about it, i'm not just talking about the police, but also to those who take care of your parks in your city or town.

Energy! Dont waste it! dont leave your TV or other electronic stuff on when no one is there to use it, after you  turn off your tv or computer etc. take it off the plug or buy those that have a button that you can turn eveything off and go away in

When anything is not right in your street, take a photo and send it to your town hall, into the respective place where they can do somethign about it.

It is also important to reclicle!

Be in favour to the renewable energies and agriculture!

Dont consume the animals from the
supermarkets, they are killed in mass and in horrible ways, at least try not consuming that everyday, give a time for the vegetables, fruit and soup!
Instead of
buying an animal in a strore, go to the kennels and adopt an animal, even if he is too old, give him a home, a shelter, a cozy and warm place and give him love, let his last days in this earth be in peace and gladness, protect the animals, they can't defend themselves, they are often harmless.

Love your family, ang give love, respect others' opinions, know how to listen. Honor your friends and family, they will one day be your ancestors and so will you be the ancestor of someone, give love, care, respect.

Teach your children with good values, to respect nature and others, to respect life, dont fill their minds with religion, politics, football clubs etc. let them choose for their own, teach them to be polite and how to live in honor.

Things you can also do with or without religion:

There are somethings you can do that will please the gods, but you can also do without any religion, no matter what you belive, it will be good for you and for your community.

Here it goes a list of somethings:

Clean the beaches, dont let the water take the waste into the sea, that will save many animals and yourself, every year thousands of animals are traped in the wastes we throw into the water, many die in horrible ways. Help in this, that will please the Sea Gods.

Many animals die because its hard nowadays to find shelter, the growing of the city takes away many species, the lack of trees makes the work even harder, give yourself a shelter to the animals in need, especially at winter, buy or build a wooden box for birds, for bats, or one large to put food so other creatures near by can eat, like squirrels, owls etc. Many will come to live there and the lost species will return, keep the trees and the many green places you can in your town and even in the city, and you will see in time, that many diferent animals return.

Honoring the Gods of Nature and Agriculture such as Frey the Nordic God -
Directly participate in raising the food that nourishes you and your family. If you don't have the means to garden, or keep a few chickens, then perhaps you could do some work for someone who does in exchange for some of the food, or volunteer.

Learn, and teach others, how to cook wholesome foods from ingredients you can afford.

Plant trees!
Bake bread, or brew beer, and share it with your family.
Make a commitment to consistently buy a basic food item (such as butter, flour, or breakfast cereal) organic and sustainably raised.
Shop at a local farmers market or buy directly from a small local family farm, especially an organic one.

To Honor the Death gods such as Hela from the Nordic Pantheon - Live life well! Accepting who you are, respecting nature and taking care of it, teaching others to do the same, live your life as if you weren't live throughout the year, what would your priorities be? Live that way at least part of every year.

Dont waste! As i have tould before. To throw something away because it is ugly or imperfect is waste, and perhaps someone who cannot afford the best would be grateful for the imperfect. Give away and recycle everything you can. Throw away only what would be rejected even by the desperate.

In judgement you will be judged not by how you behave towards those you love and respect, but by how you behave towards those you hate and hold in contempt.

Support Green Burial. Lobby for green cemeteries in your area.
Choose green burial or cremation. Don't add to the poison in the Earth with your death.

Volunteer at a hospice program. Volunteer to sit with a dying elder who is being cared for at home so that their caretakers can get a few hours away to do necessary things. Volunteer to help and talk to terminally ill patients, at home or in a hospital. Do not be afraid of or disgusted by those who are soon to pass over.

Volunteer to clean road-kill off the roads. Say a prayer for the spirits of the dead animals.

Best Regards:

Arith Härger ( Vikingwidunder )

If you need more information or if you want to check my works, take a look at my Facebook page and make a like at --> www.facebook.com/ArithHarger

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