Wight of the Nine Worlds


I welcome thee free spirit, which thou shalt come with an open heart, open mind and an open soul, for what you are about to read can only be understood by the wise who are eager to learn and to embrace the roots deep and forgotten in the hearts of the free people of Europe, by accepting who you are and where your roots lie, is half way into the great road of life. We will journey unto where our spirit takes us with the knowledge we gained. Learn and teach.


"Jera is a joy to men when the gods make the earth to bring forth shining fruits for rich and poor alike."
"The Anglo-Saxon Rune Poem"

This rune was also called Jer by the Anglo-Saxons of Northumbria, England, and Ar by both the Norwegians and Icelanders. The letter of the comun alphabet are the letters J and Y, although i use an other rune for Y but that one i will talk about in time.
Jera is connected with the yearly cycle of nature, particularly with the harvest celebrations that go with it. It is also symbolised by the strenght of the venerable oak and the humble herb rosemary. It is a rune of joy, of plenty and of rich blessings. Jera's association with celebration connects it with yuletide, or the Christmas season in todays Europe after its christianisation, and it expresses much of the warmth and happiness of this time. In this sense, Jera is symbolically assigned the winter solstice, when the sun is at its weakest, yet begins to gain strength once more. Jera is the twelfth rune and therefore the halfway point of the elder futhark. The year also has twelve months, and in ancient times the day was in addition held to cosist of thwelve hours.
The Christmas period isn't the only celebration associated with jera: the harvest festival that follows the reaping of abundant crops is also symbolised by this rune.


Jera is connected with the endings and new beginnings. Its presence in  a reading predicts a time when your present trials will end and you can make a fresh, optimistic start. The rune's association with the harvest also associates Jera with the concept of reaping the rewards of your past efforts. Its appearance signifies a completion of some project, which be celebrated with joy and relif. Jera shows that your optimism will not be misplaced and that personal success is very likely. A new home or the signing of contracts is also suggested by the rune. It may be that you will have to employ the services of a professional person, such as a lawyer or an accountant to put the final seal on some kind of advantageous agreement.
Jera's connection with the number twelve may suggest that a piriod of twelve months or a year is indicated.
This need not necessarily mean that you will have to wait a year for the good times to come again, just that the abundant good luck of the rune may last a considerable period, such as twelve months. After all, it may take some time and effort to reach the successful conclusion that you desire.
Like the preceding rune, Isa, Jera has no inverted interpretation.

Body Part: The liver, the Well of Plenty, the place where nutrients are broken down and "harvested".
Associated Maladies:
Liver disease. Cirrhosis. Substance abuse. Toxicity - a polluted well.
Working hard, but still healthy.
Long, hard, slow work to get better. Good nourishment.

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