Wight of the Nine Worlds


I welcome thee free spirit, which thou shalt come with an open heart, open mind and an open soul, for what you are about to read can only be understood by the wise who are eager to learn and to embrace the roots deep and forgotten in the hearts of the free people of Europe, by accepting who you are and where your roots lie, is half way into the great road of life. We will journey unto where our spirit takes us with the knowledge we gained. Learn and teach.

The Tiwaz Method

The Tiwaz Method

This is the only rune arrangment that mimics the shape of an individual rune. The Tiwaz method is more complext than most of the other because it involves several stages before one ends up with a pattern that looks like the rune Tiwaz. Nevertheless, it is claimed that this arrangment is well worth the effort because, like tiwaz itself, it never fails to be accurate.

Step One
Randomly choose four runes and arrange them in form of a cross, similar to the five-directions method, but without the central stone. The ruens should be laid in an anticlockwise direction, starting on the left. You may now read these runes according to the rules of the five-directions method ( minus the final-outcome rune ).

Step Two
Now choose a further three runes. These may be read in accordance with the rules of the three Norns method. Once you have done this, place them in order around the original four runes in a clockwise manner, starting on the right. The placement of the first rune is diagonally down and slightly to the right of the cross shape that you already have. The secound rune is below the cross shape and the final rune is diagonally to the left of the original pattern. You should end up with a pattern that looks like an upright arrowhead.

Step Three
You can now begin to read the third stage of this divinations, beginning with the rune on the far left and continuing as you may see on the image that i have made.

Position 4 - Ill-advised actions that may thwart your desires.
Position 5 - Lessons learned in the past from which you may benefit.
Position 6 - Your present position and attitudes.
Position 7 - The outcome, for good or ill.
Position 1 - The reasons for the question and deep feelings concerning it.
Position 3 - Potential problems confronting you.
Position 2 - The best possible outcome that can be attained from present circumstances.

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