Wight of the Nine Worlds


I welcome thee free spirit, which thou shalt come with an open heart, open mind and an open soul, for what you are about to read can only be understood by the wise who are eager to learn and to embrace the roots deep and forgotten in the hearts of the free people of Europe, by accepting who you are and where your roots lie, is half way into the great road of life. We will journey unto where our spirit takes us with the knowledge we gained. Learn and teach.

Bestla - Mother of Odin

Many Goddesses in the Norse Pantheon have the importante role of motherhood, and all gods came from somewhere, from both a male and a female being. We often hear about Odin, after Thor his own son, he is the mosr famous of all the gods, but seldom we hear about his own mother, so today i will speak of her, or at least the few knowledge i have of her, acording with the lore.

Bestla is the mother of Odin, she is a very powerful frost-giantess, the daughter of Bolthorn. She is the mother of Odin, Vili and Vé. Her brother is Mimir, the famour god whose head is deep in the well called Mimirsbrunnr.

Bestla is often called by mothers who have very difficult children in any ways, be that behavior, fears that might be difficult to understand and may ruin the child's daily life, night terrors, illness, well any kind of difficulty people have with children, but she probably helps fathers as well. Its hard for parents to have any kind of peace when they have troublesome children or very sick children, so Bestla is the goddess to be called upon to helps the little ones and to help the parents having a bit of peace but also strength to endure the years of childhood of their sons and daughters, to ease the worries.

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