Wight of the Nine Worlds


I welcome thee free spirit, which thou shalt come with an open heart, open mind and an open soul, for what you are about to read can only be understood by the wise who are eager to learn and to embrace the roots deep and forgotten in the hearts of the free people of Europe, by accepting who you are and where your roots lie, is half way into the great road of life. We will journey unto where our spirit takes us with the knowledge we gained. Learn and teach.

Ljossalfheim 2nd Part

Frey's Hall:

The Vanir god Freyr is called the Lord of Alfheim; it is said that the patronship of Alfheim was given to him as a tooth-gift. For the most part, this is a ceremonial function, but it is Frey who speaks for them in the Aesir's council, and they need him on their side. That is not the only reason that he is treated with a great deal of respect; the Alfar revere his affinity for fertility magic and plants, although they are uncomfortable with his yearly sacrifice and death. His wife Gerda is not so well liked, being an etin-bride, and was almost cursed by the Alfar in the beginning of their marriage.

Frey's hall in Alfheim is the only place that you can absolutely count on to be in the same area every time, and to look the same; that's because Frey insists on it. Even when Frey is not at home, you can get a good meal out of his household servants, who have orders to be polite to any visitor, and to feed them and put them up for three days without judging them...so long as they do not break any rules of hospitality. It is a great Norse-style hall, thatched with many different kinds of grain. In fact, a good offering is a bunch of different grains still on their stalks and in good condition, to be added to his roof.

The Rebels: Memories of Blood

Somewhere along the line, some of the Alfar started an internecine war, which ended in a great split between the two warring factions. The smaller group was forced out en masse, and they emigrated to the world of the Duergar, who negotiated a territorial bargain with them. These are the Dark Alfar of Svartalfheim, and their information is found in the Svartalfheim/Nidavellir chapter. The Ljossalfar prefer not to speak either of the war or of the existence of the Dokkalfar, so it is wise to avoid the subject when visiting.

The Problem of Glamour

 The most difficult thing of all for the pathwalker is that Alfheim is covered in a constant coat of glamour. It's on everything - the trees, the grass, even the clouds sometimes. Every realm is a work of art, quite literally. This means that, unlike the journeyer who only sees the astral, some pathwalkers may have to cope with seeing two or more layers superimposed over the physical realm. The frustration level largely depends on the ability of the pathwalker to see through magical glamour in general. If you don't have this talent, then you're no worse off than in any other world, at least where visual discrimination is concerned.

If you are the sort who can see through glamour if you stare at it, then your best bet is to merely keep running your eyes superficially over the landscape, and you won't get too confused. The key is to remember to respond to the glamour-figure and not the actual one behind it. For example, if a shorter Alf is using glamour to look taller, look at where the glamour-face is, and not the real one a foot lower - as he's probably built in the magic to where a gaze directed at his glamour-face actually looks in his eyes, you'll be staring a foot above his head, and he'll notice that...and be offended that you're looking under his clothing, as it were. If someone puts out a glamour-appendage, take it, and try to stop thinking about the fact that it's not real. It will feel perfectly real, if you do that; if you don't, your fingers may sink through it, and they'll know. Your courtesy depends on your ability to pretend that you can't see through things.

If you are the rare sort who is so immune to glamour that it is merely a vague veil over the reality of what's underneath (and this is really a rare thing; in fact, it's most often a specific modification by certain gods done on their sworn servants), you had best work very hard at pretending otherwise. Keep in mind that a raking glance from someone who has blotted out an Alf's glamour entirely is not only rude, but can temporarily interfere with the glamour magic itself. (There is some truth to the idea that rabidly disbelieving in it can wipe it out, which is worse than rude.) Alfheim will be a constant discipline for you of concentrating on that glamour, and you may get a headache from the multiple floating layers of vision.
However, glamour may also be used to conceal traps or dangers, and being able to see through it can be a lifesaver in the wrong places. It's all right to let the Alfar know that you are capable of seeing through glamour; they won't care that you can as long as you are courteous about it. Skill in changing your perceptions at will is the key to dealing with Alfheim glamour in a safe and constructive way.

Supported by RavenKaldera

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