Wight of the Nine Worlds


I welcome thee free spirit, which thou shalt come with an open heart, open mind and an open soul, for what you are about to read can only be understood by the wise who are eager to learn and to embrace the roots deep and forgotten in the hearts of the free people of Europe, by accepting who you are and where your roots lie, is half way into the great road of life. We will journey unto where our spirit takes us with the knowledge we gained. Learn and teach.

Menhirs in Agriculture

As we already know, menhirs and dolmens and all the other megalithic monuments are placed in specific places where the ley lines pass, with various purposes, one of those is to help in the fertilization of the soils for a better agriculture, concentrating the energy of the earth on those places, which makes the land around the monumento a proper place to grow food.
There is a well known report on this subject, counted by L. Charpentier in a dialogue  with a peasant in France who had one erected menhir with 4m in one of his meadows, and so he said:
"I do not know if it's because of the stone, but it's my best meadow and what has the best grass for the animals and they love it. If I knew, i would also put stones on the other meadows. If the ancients put this one here, they ought to have had some idea in mind. Perhaps they were smarter than what we think .. "
For this farmer and for many others like him, some stones properly placed, were beneficial for agriculture. As the human body is  traversed  by energy currents, and the land is covered by telluric currents, thus we can make a connection between acupuncture needles with the needles of Stone (Menhirs) that influence the vegetation.
Ancient legends say that in the vicinity of Mont Saint Michel, northern France, existed in some farmlands, menhirs with very strange names such as one called "Pierre Bonde", where it is said that it"Was blocking the entrance of the abyss", which means that if this menhir was removed, the waters from the ocean would invade the land. In olde times, Mount Saint Michel, now threatened by the waters, was once a fertile Hill. It is known that when the Britons expelled from Britain, took refuge in the country of Armor later Brittany (Northern France), already had been Christianized. Equally we know that they had to fight in the region of Mount Saint Michel, a religious war against autochthonous pagans who worshiped the standing stones. The Christian invaders destroyed a large number of these stones, and among them, the huge dolmen that crowned the hill and it was a place of pilgrimage in Gaul. Shortly after this invasion, by coincidence or not, the sea invaded the bay of Mont St Michel. Is it just coincidence that, after the invasion of these Christians in Britain, the sinking of the Gulf of Morbihan started, which did not exist in the time of Caesar.
This leads us to believe that the invaders, by ignoring the local traditions and ancestral knowledge about the science of megaliths have destroyed some vertical stone - menhir - which provided the important bio-energetic balance that exists there.
The fact is that the storming waters invaded the cultivated land that until then had been a fértile land for agriculture.

Note:  If you have any questions for me or if you want to see my artistic works, check out my Facebook page and make a Like if you can by following this link --> http://www.facebook.com/ArithHarger

2 comentários:

Miss Loony said...

Muito bom, é de facto um assunto interessante e com muito ainda por explorar. Como é que antigamente, sem as ciências e tecnologias de agora, conseguiam saber exactamente o que fazer,onde colocar os menires e as consequencias positivas e negativas dos mesmos. Só faltou uma ilustração para o post :P

Arith Härger said...

Obrigado amor! Gostaste? É interessante realmente. Tenho de continuar a desenhar e pintar né pi? Como te expliquei da outra vez no algarve, eramos tipo pombos xD com aquele mineral na cabeça lol e tínhamos mais a percepção das zonas energéticas da terra.